A Beginner’s Guide to a More Sustainable Beauty Routine

When it comes to the beauty industry, we are constantly bombarded by new trends and products. Not to mention, the flood of beauty hacks and routines from the ever-increasing number of beauty influencers. While the idea of beauty has always shifted, these days the trends seem to be changing faster.  

Sustainability has been one of the biggest beauty trends in recent years, and it seems as though it’s here to stay! As consumers become more environmentally conscious, the demand for sustainable products, from food to beauty, continues to increase. Brands have been addressing the issue of sustainability at an increasing rate, from ingredient source to packaging, leading to the trend becoming more mainstream.

The beauty industry is currently being reshaped as sustainability evolves from a trend to a movement. Sure, we can’t all create our lines of sustainable beauty products, but there are some little things we can do to join the movement. Here are a few practices you can adopt to make your beauty routine more sustainable.

Do your research.

In a world marked by fast-changing trends and a sea of products, it’s so important to stay informed. Before trying a new product, find out what’s in it – are the ingredients safe and ethically sourced? How about the packaging – is it eco-friendly? Also, research practices you can adopt or what adjustments you can make to enable a more sustainable beauty routine. You’re here reading so that’s a great start!

Use the “one in, one out” rule.

Nowadays, it’s hard not to get excited when new and innovative products hit the market (OMG Fenty!!). It becomes even more difficult after watching new beauty haul videos from our favourite YouTubers… sigh. Sigh… there are so many products I would love to try. However, this excitement is responsible for much of the ORNAMENTAL beauty products sitting on my dresser for months (some, even years) just waiting to be used! While we have little control over the contents of these products and how they’re packaged, we have ultimate control over how we consume. Using the “one in, one out” rule is a small (but impactful) step towards a more sustainable beauty routine. Before trying that new night cream, finish the one you have first. It’s a good practice to hold off on buying until you’ve depleted what you have. Keep waste (and spending) at a minimum!

Use products with eco-friendly packaging.

Emphasis has always been placed on what’s inside the product, but recently the packaging has also been getting some attention. Choosing products encased in eco-friendly packaging is a great way to minimize the waste and pollution that end up in our landfills and oceans. Below are different examples of how some brands are using sustainable packaging.

Plastic-free packaging

L’Oréal recently launched an entirely new sustainable label called Seed Phytonutrients. Instead of the usual plastic bottles, these products are packaged in a shower-friendly paper — yeah, you heard right! The packaging is both recyclable and compostable. And if that isn’t already impressive, they’re also made from recycled materials.

An even better alternative to plastic-free packaging … NO PACKAGING! Beauty company Lush supplies handmade cosmetics, and over half of its product can be taken home with no packaging. One such product is its innovative shampoo bar which eliminates the need for plastic bottles, regularly used to package the liquid form.

Recycled and Recyclable Packaging

Recyclable packaging is certainly preferable to throwaway plastic. It reduces the reliance on virgin materials to produce new products while minimizing waste. Skincare company Dove has made strides in recent years, as it now offers products encased in 100% recycled plastic bottles

Refillable products. 

Increasingly, beauty brands are placing their products in refillable containers and it’s quickly becoming mainstream. Refillables are better alternatives to recyclable or plastic-free packaging as it creates NO new packaging waste. Makeup artist Kirsten Kjaer Weis has been a pioneer of the refillables movement and created her beauty line, Kjaer Weis, which invests in a refillable system. The luxury brands’ products are housed in beautiful high-quality metal cases which can be refilled when finished. More recently, Rihanna’s Fenty Skin launched its invisible moisturizer packaged in a refillable cartridge, making a huge statement in the beauty industry. These days, you can even purchase refillable shampoo in bottles or pouches.

Opt for products with natural and organic ingredients. 

Consumers are becoming increasingly health-conscious, paying close attention to what goes into the body. This has fuelled the surge in demand for natural and organic foods in recent years. However, what goes on the body is also important and deserves some attention as well. Just like food, natural and organic beauty products are likely safer for human health and the environment than chemically-based alternatives. It’s important to read cosmetic labels and get familiar with the ingredients before making a buying decision.

Support products derived from ethically sourced ingredients

Consumers are growing increasingly concerned with the origin of ingredients in the products they consume. Whether or not any biodiversity was harmed or how workers were treated in the process in the sourcing of ingredients, reveals a lot about a brand’s ethics. It demonstrates the value it places on the welfare of human beings and the environment. By choosing ethical brands, you encourage others to replicate good practices and this promotes an industry where respect for people and biodiversity is standard.

Swap disposables for more eco-friendly alternatives.

The zero-waste movement in the beauty industry has brought several reusable alternatives to the fore. Several beauty products that are normally produced for single-use, now have reusable alternatives. These more sustainable alternatives are not only environmentally friendly but can also save you money. Here are a few simple swaps you can make.

  • Use bar soap instead of shower gel to reduce plastic waste.
  • Instead of disposable makeup remover wipes, use a reusable, washable cloth makeup remover (one of my personal favourites).
  • Ditch single-use plastic razors, use safety razors where only the blades need replacing every several weeks or months.

Some products, instead of replacing you can just ditch altogether, like cotton swabs for instance (doctors have been telling us for years to keep them away from our ears). Forget the cotton pads and use a spray bottle to apply your toner – spray either directly to your face or into your hands. Others you can DIY, like replacing disposable sheet face masks with a homemade concoction – an added benefit is that you get to include only ingredients that you approve. 

So, tell me… what are you doing to green your beauty routine? Also, let me know of any locally made sustainable beauty products in your area. Share in the comments below!

4 thoughts on “A Beginner’s Guide to a More Sustainable Beauty Routine

  1. For my beauty routine, I practice the one in one out rule. I learned my lesson from having to throw away expired products.

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